History of lending and borrowing

3 min readApr 11, 2023


Lending and borrowing have been fundamental components of human economic activity for thousands of years, with evidence of these practices found across many different cultures and civilizations. This article explores the history of borrowing and lending across Ancient Mesopotamia, the Roman Empire, Ancient India, Medieval Europe and today.

Ancient Mesopotamia: One of the earliest records of lending and borrowing comes from Ancient Mesopotamia, where temples and palace officials acted as financial intermediaries, providing loans to farmers, traders, and other citizens. These early loans were mainly used for agricultural purposes, such as purchasing seeds or livestock. However, as the Mesopotamian economy grew more complex, loans began to cover a wider range of activities, including trade, commerce, and personal use. The concept of interest also emerged, with lenders charging a fee for the use of their money. The Mesopotamians developed a sophisticated system of record-keeping, using cuneiform writing on clay tablets to keep track of loans and repayments.

Roman Empire: In the Roman Empire, lending and borrowing were prevalent, with the wealthy lending money to the government and other individuals. However, usury laws limited the amount of interest that could be charged, preventing excessive profiting from loans. The concept of credit also emerged during this time, with people being able to borrow money on the strength of their reputation and future earnings.

Ancient India: In Ancient India, lending and borrowing were also common, with the earliest references dating back to the Vedic period (1500–500 BCE). The Dharmashastra texts provided guidelines for lending and borrowing, with interest rates varying depending on the borrower’s caste and the purpose of the loan. Moneylenders were a significant presence in Indian society, providing loans to farmers, traders, and other individuals. In some cases, these moneylenders became so powerful that they were able to control entire villages.

Medieval Europe: During the Middle Ages, lending and borrowing were often controlled by the Catholic Church, which prohibited usury and allowed only charitable lending. However, this changed with the rise of the Medici family in Italy, who became some of the wealthiest bankers in Europe, pioneering new financial techniques such as double-entry bookkeeping. In the 17th and 18th centuries, lending and borrowing expanded with the rise of joint-stock companies and the establishment of modern banking. The Bank of England was established in 1694, and other European countries soon followed suit.

Today, borrowing and lending continue to play a crucial role in the global economy. Traditional financial institutions such as banks offer a range of loans and credit options to individuals and businesses. However, with the emergence of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, decentralized finance (DeFi) lending protocols have also entered the market.

DeFi lending protocols use smart contracts to facilitate lending without the need for intermediaries, offering a more accessible and transparent option for borrowers and lenders. These protocols allow for lending and borrowing of various cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, with interest rates determined by supply and demand.

DeFi lending protocols are still in their infancy, but they have already gained significant attention and investment from the cryptocurrency community. As the technology continues to develop and the demand for decentralized finance grows, it’s likely that these protocols will become an even more critical aspect of the global lending market.

In conclusion, the history of borrowing and lending is a long and complex one, with its roots stretching back thousands of years. While traditional financial institutions continue to dominate the lending market, the emergence of DeFi lending protocols represents an exciting new chapter in the evolution of borrowing and lending. As we look to the future, it’s clear that these protocols have the potential to revolutionize the lending industry, creating a more accessible, transparent, and decentralized financial system for all.




TONLend is the first decentralized, algorithmic lending and borrowing protocol on The Open Network.